Engineering Analysis
NBU has exstensive experience in engineering analysis. Our company has performed the following for the Grand Bahama Power Company:.Directed a technical evaluation and repair of a
failed generator rotor coil ground fault of GBPC�s 18 mega watt (mw)
steam turbine generator. This repair work included the disassembly
of the hydrogen cooled generator rotor, removal of the generator rotor,
reviewing shop repair work to replace the failed generator rotor coil,
and the reassembly of the generator, and recommissioning of the unit
(return to service). This project had an estimated cost of ~US$800,000.00./a>
Performed the function of the �owners engineer�
to oversee the integrity assessment of the Plant fuel oil lines and
harbour bunkering line by an electrical consulting firm called Structural
Integrity Associates, Inc. The work included an evaluation of the
existing condition of the piping and corrosion protection systems
(cathodic protection), and the development of recommendations and
repairs and preventative maintenance measures to preserve the assets.
Long range guided ultrasonic testing was used to determine the wall
thickness of the fuel oil lines along their length. This project had
an estimated cost of US$65,000.00.
Performed the function of the �owners engineer�
to oversee the electrical cathodic protection, lightning protection,
and grounding study of the Power Plant and seven 67 kv substations
by an electrical consulting firm called ELK Engineering Associates
Inc. This work included an inspection of each operating cathode protection
system, measurement of close pipe-to-soil potential at selected test
points, review of existing grounding drawings, and conduct an IEEE-80
Fall-of-Potential Test for the existing grid systems. This project
had an estimated cost of US$35,000.00.
Performed professional electrical engineering oversight
for Emera 55 mw medium diesel plant construction. Work included approving
electrical �as design� and �as built� drawings for the power plant,
and signing-off as the professional electrical engineer on record
to the plant construction regulatory agencies